Saturday, 9 May 2009

The making of... a fake swimsuit catalogue


I'm super pleased with the results... good team, amazing and co-operative model (Carla from Models On), perfect weather in the end (had a sleepless night worrying about clouds), nothing stolen, and no hassle from passers-by... We shot using medium format film on our grandfather's old camera, which might work and be absolutely amazing, or it might also not work whatsoever... We will find out on Tuesday!


  1.'ve used a lot of thing from river island!
    i work in that shop and i also use a lot of clothes of r.i. for the photo shooting! happy to know that your a stylist too, do you know any showroom that where i can take clothes and shoes to use for my styling here in barcelona?

  2. hey! well this project is like a pretend "river island summer wear" catalogue for school, and its perfect cos i know laura and she lets me borrow things from there...! i will say hi next time i'm there!
    showrooms are trickier than shops though. some are more generous than others, depends who you speak to, and most of them want to know which publication you work for so they can get the credit. i've only been in showrooms as an assistant, i haven't actually tried blagging any clothes for my own experiments yet! but a good way to start would be to do practicas in one (need to get round to this!) x
