Friday 27 March 2009

So it turns out there is a scientific explanation for all the garish, colourful, patterned, weird impulse buys sitting at the back of my closet....

I found an interesting article on Berlingske Tidende about the psychology of shopping. A new study by Minnesota University has shown that our shopping choices are directly influenced by our states of mind (well, I think all women would say they already know this...)

But what this study proved was that if you are feeling scared and anxious, you are most likely to make "safe" shopping decisions, follow the herd, and buy things for the acceptance of your peers. If on the other hand, you are feeling happy, accepted and in love... you will buy things that will make you unique and stand out.

So, to add a very cheesy conclusion... happiness is the key to style! (Aarh did I actually say that??)

Happy Friday everyone!

(image by hello bum)

(image by anna morosini)

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